Heart of Dakota ~ Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory ~ Unit 22
Heart of Dakota ~ Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory ~ Unit 22
If you happen to notice names that don't seem familiar, we are a family full of animals. ;) T stands for Turkey. (now 8!)
B is for Mr. Guggle Buggle (Bug), the preschooler. (42 months)
Scrumpy is the teensy tot. (13 months)
Bible verse:

This week the TV remote went missing. Mommy was feeling very lazy and told Turkey she could earn $1 if she searched hard for and found the remote. Turkey searched for a while then came to Mommy and told her that if she did find the remote, she wanted to give her dollar to Guggle Buggle because he never had a dollar of his own and she did. She wanted to make him happy. Cheerful giver!
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Bible Study:
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2 Corinthians 9:6-15
God has given us everything we have. We need to be more than thankful for what He has given. We should use our gifts to serve Him. He wants us to give generously, with a cheerful heart! If we sow a little, we reap a little. If we sow a lot, we reap a lot! We should set our hearts to glorify God with all that He has given us. :)
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2 Corinthians 9:6-15
God has given us everything we have. We need to be more than thankful for what He has given. We should use our gifts to serve Him. He wants us to give generously, with a cheerful heart! If we sow a little, we reap a little. If we sow a lot, we reap a lot! We should set our hearts to glorify God with all that He has given us. :)

Benjamin Franklin was an inventor and writer, but he was also a cheerful giver. He lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He gave a neighboring family an iron stove to warm their home because their fireplace was too small to keep them warm in the Winter.
We learned about Deacon Drowne and the copper grasshopper he made.
We learned about a wealthy man in Boston named Peter Faneuil.
Mr. Faneuil gave the city of Boston a new public hall. The bottom of it was a market. Above the market were meeting halls. On top of the building was Deacon Drowne's copper grasshopper which was made into a weathervane!
We learned about Samuel Adams voting to have Peter Faneuil build the public hall and put Deacon Drowne's grasshopper on top.
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We added to our timeline:

On Friday, Turkey turned 8. (That's our *History*, too.)


It is fun to learn about our state! Benjamin Franklin lived in Pennsylvania, too.

We are still in the nature reader, but we are learning about grasshoppers this week in Science, as well. :)
Turkey got 100% on Friday's spelling test. (not pictured)

Math:, and games on the iPhone were used this week for Math. In A Beka, we also learned more Roman Numerals, math facts to 15, more Multiplication and began Division. We always try to do lots of flashcards, and work on measurement, time and money.

God created the grasshopper.
A grasshopper is an insect. It has 6 legs. The head, thorax and abdomen make up the three parts of the grasshopper's body. Did you know a grasshopper's wings molt and are constantly growing?
We looked up lots of bugs online this week. Turkey also made a peanut butter playdough and formed a grasshopper out of it. But before Mommy could snap a picture, it was torn apart and a portion of it was eaten!
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God created lightning.
We also learned about thunder and lightning this week. We hear thunder after lightning strikes, but did you know they occur at the same time? The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, so we see the lightning before the sound of thunder can reach our ears.
Little Things

We didn't get a chance to do Art this week, but T put in her Art video lessons last weekend and work on 3 projects with no supervision. We really need much better paint for the video lessons. (We only have washable tempura which I happen to think is very poor quality.) Having said that, I think she did pretty well by herself. One is egg art and you can't tell by the picture, but it is shiny and sparkly!
(The Princess and the Pea)

And a quick *dewy dot* caterpillar.

We are revisiting letter Dd this week.
A book about Dd

Tracing lines near ducks

Letter D toothpick poke

Covering Dd maze with dimes (from

Letter Dd find and circle - homemade

Letter Dd trace (from

Play doh Dd (from

Mr. Guggle Buggle colored and cut apart his Letter Dd mini book. (I can't remember where we downloaded this from.)

Letter D dinosaur puzzle. (Letter of the Week curriculum.)

Letter D do-a-dots. (Called dewy dots in our house.)
Letter D do-a-dots. (Called dewy dots in our house.)

Mr. Guggle Buggle also had some cutting practice.

Mommy made tongs out of tongue depressors and Mr. Guggle Buggle sorted colored pom poms.

...and colored pieces of pipe cleaners...

The teensy tot turned thirteen months on Thursday. Say that ten times real fast!

We had a wonderful week and we hope you did, too!
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