Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory - Unit 23 Review
Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory - Unit 23 Review
Here is a glimpse of our week. We are still working on some math as Mommy and T haven't felt so great most of the week. We did not do the copywork or storytime boxes in our unit.
Bible Verse:

Bible Study:
Genesis 13: 1-18
Abram and Lot's herdsman were quarreling. Instead of fighting, Abram gave Lot first choice of their land to stop the quarreling. Lot chose the best land.
Math: We continued with Abeka 2nd grade, flashcards and
We are still in Christian Liberty Nature Reader, Book 1.
Language Arts:
A bit of what we worked on were good study habits, Bible and Poetry copywork.
(I would like to see some better coloring habits.)

We read about a little girl named Patience Arnold who lived in Lexington with her family. Her mother left her in charge of the key to the barn while she went to a neighbor's. Soldiers came to the door while Patience sat stitching her sampler. They wanted the key to the barn. They tore her house apart looking for it, but Patience kept it safe under her sampler while she stitched.
The soldier at Patience's door.

Soldiers upsetting the house while Patience kept stitching.

We also read about George Washington and his job as a surveyor when he was in his teens.


Artistic Expression:
T has been coloring pictures all week of things she loves.

Alien using her name in cursive...

An angel for Valentine's Day instead of a cupid.

She made Mommy a necklace and a ring for Valentine's Day, too.

T made an herb garden.

We had a little party for T on Sunday. Daddy made her a Mario cake.

On Valentine's Day Mommy decided to make sweeties for her sweeties.

Letter Ee
Letter Ee maze with erasers. (he actually stood them all up on end)

Elephant puzzle

Color button sort

Little e book

Handwriting practice

*Dewey dots* with Ee

We hope everyone is feeling well at your house and that Valentine's Day was just another great reminder of how much God loves us all. :) Have a great weekend!
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