Heart of Dakota ~Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory~ Unit 19 Review+
Heart of Dakota ~Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory~ Unit 19 Review+
Bible memory verse:
Bible Study:
Psalm 119:105-112
Irelynn learned is important to study God's word. It is a light for our path, keeping us focused on God and away from evil things.
We studied about a Puritan girl named Remember Biddle who lived near Plymouth Rock. Her father had gone to Boston on business. Her mother had to leave her alone so she could care for a sick neighbor.
Remember spent her time cleaning the house. When it was as clean as it could possibly be, she discovered she had used all the soap in the house, so she made more.
An Indian came to her cabin. He wanted to take Remember with him. He saw the soap Remember had made and traded 2 turkeys for the soap, instead.
We also read the last chapter in Stories of the Pilgrims. The Puritans knew the Sabbath day belonged to the Lord. They did not work or play on the Sabbath. They went to church and worshiped the Lord.
T studied mixed numbers, counting by groups to multiply, measuring in centimeters and meters, adding three 3-digit numbers with carrying, and much more. She scored a 97% on her written math test this week and 100% on her oral test.
We used xtramath three times this week.
This is T's favorite type of speed drill. She completed this one barely a second before the timer rang and she was so thrilled. :)

She also learned how to write dates numerically with slashes.
T continued in her nature reader. She has learned about different types of wasps and spiders this week!
"Monday's Child" by anonymous
We loved figuring out what day of the week everyone in the family was born on to go with the poem. T's middle name is Grace and she is a Tuesday's child. :)

We learned about some of the different parts of the ear and how sound travels. Then Mommy blindfolded T and tapped a drum (cup) in different areas of the room we were in. She had to guess what direction the sound was coming from. She did this again with her ears plugged to see how much harder it would be to hear the sound. Then she listened to an empty cup, hearing her own blood whooshing in her ears!
We also learned how God created time. There was no time before God created the world. God divided our day into seconds, minutes and hours.
Next we did a short experiment with a dinosaur figurine taped to a ball. Mommy held a flashlight over the ball to be the sun. T slowly spun the ball so the dinosaur faced the sun, representing what it looks like at "noon". She spun the dinosaur away from the sun, making it look like the sun was going down. We learned the earth rotates but the sun does not move.
(Mommy's camera battery was drained at this point and she was unable to snap a photo.)

We learned about early territories and settlements on the Atlantic Coast.
Language Arts:
We worked on the sounds of er, ir and ur. We also learned where commas are used when writing dates.
We reviewed syllables, the ou/ow sound, pronouns, contractions, verbs, and silent consonants. T learned "I" is always capitalized.
She also learned To, Too and Two.
And reviewed LA on :)
Artistic Expression:

Remember Biddle scrubbed her floor and sprinkled sand in a pretty pattern. This is T's interpretation of what Remember did on her floor, instead using school glue and colored salt.
This week T also had a video art lesson. She painted a color wheel.


We continued to read The Railway Children. We focused on the story element: prediction. We also focused on the Godly character trait: loyalty.
Preschool with B at 41 months:
We used Easy Peasy Homeschool again this week. Mommy was so excited to discover the entire set of My First Steps to Reading books in the attic this past week! Her two oldest loved this set and Mommy forgot all about them! Here is what she read:
Reviewing letter A. Covering Aa with Alphabits.

Mommy is trying to teach B to hold his crayon properly while tracing.

Tuesday morning, the Scrump was super happy! He has become braver this week, letting go of Mommy's fingers, Daddy's legs, and the living room furniture to take a few independent steps.

T is enjoying her school work more and more. We cannot believe we are over half way through the school year already! 16 units to go! We love learning new things each week. We hope you do, too!
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