Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory - Unit 18 review
Bible: This was review week. We also studied Matthew 14:22-32. Jesus showed the disciples their faith is weak when they take their eyes off Jesus. He wanted them to trust Him and know He is the Son of God.
Here is what we learned in History. We only have one chapter left in *Stories of the Pilgrims* and that makes us sad, but we have learned so much!
We learned about dogs having a great sense of smell. We went on a scent trail and discussed how a scent gets lost in water. Then T found pictures of different dogs in magazines. She cut them out and put them on paper, labeling each dog by its name.
We also learned the life cycle of butterflies/moths.
We started to learn about the life cycle of a plant, particularly a bean plant.
Math: New concepts this week were roman numerals and the meaning of multiplication. We also spent a lot of time on and this week.
Artistic Expression:
This went along with our History lesson. In this unit, we learned how the colonists made special sparkler candles. They made one for a party, but an annoying Indian named Warmsly came along with several other Indians and demanded hard cider so they could get drunk. The sparkler candle went off and scared the Indians away! This was T's interpretation of the sparkler candle.
Spelling: Review week. T did not misspell any words!

This week's poem was "Jesus Bids Us Shine"
Language Arts: this week.
Storytime: We are continuing our mystery, "The Railway Children" and we really enjoy this book!
Friday, T built a scene from our reading out of playdough. This is the Russian, sick in bed. Mother is talking to him and he is telling her his very sad story of how he escaped from prison.

Physical Education:
This week Mommy decided that ADHD needs to be addressed a little bit more by getting some of the wiggles out. So an idea popped into her head and she made some exercise cards! There are 5 cards - one for each school day in the week. We pick one card for the day and do everything on the card twice!
What's on the cards? Skipping, jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, windmills, marching, stair climbs, and tons more! Our state requires a minimum of 60 minutes of PE per week and with these cards, we easily reach the minimum. Although we don't have to worry about "counting" PE until next year, this is a great start for an exercise routine. :)
What else happened this week? Hank the Scrump turned 1! He is such a blessing. He LOVES giving hugs.
Sigh, where did the time go?

This week we upgraded STARFALL to MORESTARFALL. It is $34 for the year and there is just SO much more to choose from! We use it for Eams and he loves it, but there are also math facts to practice and Iree loves those games!
We also started using Easy Peasy Homeschool this week. (It's free!) Eams REALLY enjoys that too, and constantly requests the songs they have posted on the website, going around the house singing what the letter "A" says! We also continue to use a LOT of worksheets, puzzles, beans, blocks, etc.
This was our week. We hope you enjoyed yours! Have an awesome weekend!
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