Beyond Unit 15 review (and more)
Bible: Our Bible verse in this unit is Matthew 25:21
We need to learn to be trusted with little things if we want to be trusted with bigger things! We can have the joy of the Lord if we do this!
History: American Pioneers and Patriots is the History book we are using in this Unit.
Pioneers from Holland settled in New Amsterdam. English warships took over New Amsterdam. The English changed the city's name to New York.
We read about a Dutch boy named Peter who took care of his cow, Trinka, on the way to new Amsterdam. She didn't want to get off the ship, so she accidentally pushed Peter into the water. We also read about the cows being moved to an island, then moved again because they needed more grass. 19 cows died after eating poisonous weeds.
T drew Peter and Trinka.

We also played a game for Geography with string around the floor as an island, colored pom poms representing cows, and index cards as canoes. Sarcasmo (ds20) unloaded one cow at a time from his canoe to another place off the island. T had to go get the cows with her canoe and take them back to the island. They continued to do this for 3 minutes.
Our discovery: not all cows could be on the island at the same time. There was always going to be a cow in a canoe somewhere, or one person was faster with their canoe than another, so one could be leaving the island faster than one coming back.
For artistic expression, Iree made a cow grazing in a pasture.

In Science we made ice cream and curds and whey. We did BOTH explorations twice. The ice cream didn't set up. The curds were more like yogurt or ricotta cheese. We also read about animals in the cattle family.

Math: We visited more countries in math. Brazil and New Zealand are two that we visited. We learned that New Zealand's national bird is the Kiwi. New Zealanders call themselves "kiwis". This week's new concept in math was "borrowing".

Spelling: words with "er" as in "her"

Reading: T read Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express. She loved this book!
Poetry/copywork: "The Cow"

Language Arts: We learned proper nouns and proper names. T made a list of her family members' full names. She also learned about pronouns this week and words that are NOT capitalized in the title of a book.
Just a couple of things B did this week:
sorting beans

gluing beans on letter B

We also experimented with school glue ornaments. Make a round, even puddle of school glue on waxed paper. Decorate with beads, pipe cleaners, beans, etc., anything you have around the house. Let dry 24-48 hours. Gently peel off, hole punch at top and tie ribbon to hang on the tree!

And Scrump discovered looking out the window this week. Not the greatest picture, but I had to grab my cell and snap quick!

We also discovered a crime scene in the house on Tuesday.
We "called" CSI to investigate. A police officer questioned the "people". There was a suspicious character in the crowd. We never did discover what happened. Possibly, the cat attacked Barbie.

T also got out her big brother's very old Legos and used her "magic nation" as she used to call it. She made a shower and a swimming pool with a diving board.

We hope you had a great week!
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