Beyond Unit 16 Review (and more)
Beyond Unit 16 Review (and more)
This week we learned that God sees everything. He is always watching over you and has a plan for you. We also learned God is our rock and shield in times of trouble. Then we acted out a scenario about how the Lord watches the evil and good.

The man in the cap was going to steal a car because he needed a way to work. A man came along who knew the owner of the car. He felt bad for the man about to steal the car. He gave him $20 to ride the bus.
We also read 2 Samuel 22:26-36 The eyes of the Lord see all things. He is a shield to those who trust Him.
Noah Bidson is a boy who lived on the Prairie. His parents could hardly read or write and they wanted better for Noah, so they wrote to Mrs. Bidson's sister, Aunt Dora, to come teach Noah on the Prairie. Noah was NOT happy about schooling! There are 8 short chapters in this book and we read the first 5 this week.
History: Stories of the Pilgrims
This week we read about Chief Massasoit's death and the Indians declaring war on the colonists. We also read about two little girls named Patience and Endurance who God protected from some Indians who came to their farm.
Poetry and Copywork:

Mommy read this poem at the beginning of the week and T guessed the title! :) This was a VERY easy week for copywork. Praise the Lord, T was happy to do her copywork! :)
Language Arts:
We worked on pronouns again this week, but didn't get far at all in LA.
Math: We visited more countries this week. Russia was one of them. Russia is the largest country in the world!
Iree took her test at the end of the week and scored a 93%.
Spelling: words with 'ir' as in 'girl'
Iree missed the word "thirty" on her test but got the rest correct.
Artistic Expression:
The Indians traded their land for beads, buttons, knives and red blankets. T was to "weave" a blanket out of paper. This was her result:

We learned that God separated light from darkness, giving us a picture of good being separated from evil. We also learned how light enters our eyes so we can see!
This week T made lots of decorations for Christmas and we finished our tree. She also never gets enough of drawing, so she drew some great pictures. :)

A present for Mommy.


And we love playing with blocks. The kids play with some sort of blocks every day.
*T* spelled out her name with blocks!

We haven't done any "schoolwork" with Bug the past couple of weeks. We read lots of books and had lots of dramatic play. He is pretending to be in a dump truck, which he informed us is the only thing he wants for Christmas.

This week DH and I had our 24th Anniversary!

I don't even know what to say about the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary that took place this past week. I cannot wrap my brain around it. T expressed fear of leaving the house and getting shot and said she was so glad she was schooled in her safe home. I explained to her that this world is full of sin. God doesn't promise bad things will never happen, but if we love Him, the things that happen will always work for good. He loves us so much and is our hope.
We are all so very sad for the grieving families and are continuing to pray for their community.
We are all so very sad for the grieving families and are continuing to pray for their community.
CLICK HERE for information on how to make a memorial donation for Sandy Hook victims.
We are taking a break for Christmas. We pray that you all have a wonderful Holy day! See you next year!
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