Beyond Unit 13 Review (and more)
This was a light week for us. We were supposed to study 1 Chronicles 29: 10-20 on Friday but didn't get that accomplished. There was Geography to go with this and we didn't get a chance to do that, either. :)
Bible Study: The verse this week was Romans 8:28. Iree learned to give thanks for everything in life, even the tough times. No matter what is happening, if you love God, it's all good. Really!
Turkey goes over her verse daily. Sometimes she does exercises, freezes, and says her verse. Sometimes she draws pictures with it, but most of the time on Fridays she reconstructs her verse onto a card.
History: We continued in our History book "Stories of the Pilgrims". We read about how hard winter was for the Pilgrims, that so many of them died and that the captain of the Mayflower offered to take the Pilgrims back to England for free if they wanted to return. NOBODY did!
The pilgrims spent their summer planting and storing food for the winter, then honored God with a feast of Thanksgiving where they invited their Indian friends! They began their day with prayers of Thanksgiving to God!
At the feast, the Indians and Pilgrims played games. T also played some games. She did a sock toss, and a long jump. She jumped 54 and 62 inches!
As it was with our Bible verse, the Pilgrims knew that all things worked for the good because they loved God and were called to do His will!
Poetry and Rhymes: We didn't get a lot of this copied. It's been a super light week.

T also wrote Mommy a poem this week. Love the spelling. ;)

Language Arts: We continued with CLE LA 2, light unit 3.
Storytime: Mommy is STILL reading Little House in the Big Woods. Again, it's been a slow week. We were supposed to introduce Fantasy this week and read Charlotte's Web, but Mommy has decided to skip this as we have a bunch to finish in other things.
Reading: T read Wagon Wheels. Mommy opted to print a study guide (she found online) that went along with it. T loved the story of the Muldie boys and couldn't imagine having a dugout as a home!
Poetry and Rhymes: We didn't get a lot of this copied. It's been a super light week.
T also wrote Mommy a poem this week. Love the spelling. ;)

Language Arts: We continued with CLE LA 2, light unit 3.
Storytime: Mommy is STILL reading Little House in the Big Woods. Again, it's been a slow week. We were supposed to introduce Fantasy this week and read Charlotte's Web, but Mommy has decided to skip this as we have a bunch to finish in other things.
Reading: T read Wagon Wheels. Mommy opted to print a study guide (she found online) that went along with it. T loved the story of the Muldie boys and couldn't imagine having a dugout as a home!
Math: This week in math we visited Japan, the United States of America, the Netherlands and Nigeria. We did "time" to the 5 minutes, regrouping to the 1,000th's place, money, ordinal numbers, 11 addition and subtraction family, counting by 3's and so much more! Iree also got 100% on her math test this week, which she is so happy about!
Science: God's Wonderful Works is our textbook. We learned God has a special reason for each season. T drew a bare bush for each season then painted leaves/flowers on them according to what a bush may look like in each season.

She also explored how plant roots carry water from the ground to the leaves of a plant and that if the leaf cannot get water, it dries up and falls off the tree. This is what happens in the Fall.

We also learned that the Pilgrims harvest was during the Fall and it was bountiful! They praised God for His goodness!
Artistic Expression: The pilgrims dug for clams for the Thanksgiving feast. We learned that clams are part of the mollusk family (another part of our science lesson) and we painted our own clam with a popcorn kernel as a "pearl" inside.

Spelling: This was review week. Tonly missed a couple of words, which she wrote 3x each.
Spelling: This was review week. Tonly missed a couple of words, which she wrote 3x each.
Little Hands to Heaven Unit 1
This week Mr. Guggle Buggle started Little Hands. He wasn't completely cooperative but we did get a few days done. We read about God creating the world, about Adam and Eve, did a fingerplay and lots more. Here are some pictures of what we did.
Letter A taped on the floor. He walked on it, ran his cars on it, rolled things on it, told me its name, what sound it makes and much more.

Bug also pasted cheerios on letter A. He felt little a was being left out and wanted to paste cheerios on that one, too.
He also drew different colored circles on a piece of paper, then went around the house looking for items of the same color to put in the circles. (The circles are very hard to see, but they're there.)
He also insisted on some cutting practice this week. I just found what I had on hand and let him go at it. He tried so hard and I thought he did a great job!
We also worked on number 1, but he does well with numbers anyway. He was instructed to color ONE butterfly green, the number 1 and the word "one". :)
Bug also checked out readingeggs. After one, then two lessons they placed him at age 4.5 and I just don't understand their system. I would love to be able to give a review on readingeggs, but I pretty much need the reviews of others. :)
B loves Little Critter books and has Mommy read the same one over and over and over. Pretty soon he will have it memorized...or Mommy will.
And this week Scrump has face-planted into almost every surface of the house because he insists on being on his feet. He also said "want down" while his sister was holding him. Mommy thought she was hallucinating until big sister said "Did you hear him say want down?" Then the next day he said "no!"

We hope you had a great week and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Looks like a great week! I love the painting of the bush in different seasons! We enjoy reading eggs as well and my oldest daughter is well beyond the level they placed her as well. I looked into the "Reading Eggspress" portion of the website, but I wasn't impressed with some of the features there, so for now I'll continue to let her just have fun in the younger side. Have you looked into
ReplyDeleteThat's what dd7 was using - Reading Eggspress. Ds4 was using readingeggs. We didn't last very long with it. Yes, we used for several months. Eammon quit wanting to use it and I couldn't justify the extra money each month, so I dropped it.