Make a light box!
Mommy has been
Make a light box!
Mommy used a rubbermaid container, turned upside down. The lid was blue, so this was necessary. She lined the sides of the container with tin foil. She also put tin foil on the lid (bottom of light box) for more reflection. She lined the bottom of the container (which will be the top of the light box) with waxed paper. She then turned it upside down (on the lid) and inserted 4 finger lights. She snapped it together, and voila! This cost her nothing to make since she already had these supplies in the house. Simple, easy, and the kids loved it!
T, age 8, could have easily made this by herself.

Even though Mommy would consider this a tot or preschool activity, T (8) also enjoyed it.
Here she is building a flower scene and narrating a story about it to her barbies.

You could use any clear item on the light box for fun. We just happened to have these counters. You could use small containers, waterbeads, clear stones, marbles, cups of colored water - the possibilities are endless!!
**Please remember to supervise a young child! Scrumpy tot is still putting things in his mouth and although he did fine with this activity, he still needed to be watched like a hawk!**
Have you made your own light box?!
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