Third Grade Grub

We studied boldness and how it can be used to honor yourself or to honor God. We need to be bold for the Lord so we can glorify Him and not ourselves. We studied about Hezekiah in 2 Kings and how his boldness did not honor God.
One of the things we worked on in this unit was commanding sentences and how to diagram them with (you) being implied.

Irelynn uses Cheerful Cursive this year, as well.

Irelynn finished up Amelia Earhart. We worked on the Godly character trait *responsibility*. At the end of the unit, Irelynn was given 3 tasks of responsibility to carry out on her own. She was given 5 beans per completed task. She had the potential to earn 75. If she completed her week, she got a prize. She drew pictures of her tasks and put them somewhere she knew she would see them - on the mirror at the bottom of the staircase. She had a task card written out on the refrigerator and checked the tasks as she did them. Then she collected her beans for each day.

Irelynn did not have to be told one time to complete her tasks. She chose silly putty for her prize. :)

We learned about explorers and adventurers.
We learned how to follow a compass. We made a compass rose.

We made a map. (Mommy is never sure if anything is labeled correctly. :/)

We added to our timeline.

We learned about sea creatures that live on a rocky shore and in a shower.

We learned about the sun shining in a tide pool, causing water to evaporate, leaving the salt. We compared evaporation with fresh water and seawater. The fresh water evaporated faster than the sea water.
salt left behind by evaporation

I recorded Irelynn singing the first verse of Holy! Holy! Holy! I don't know how to upload it here!
We also started learning the recorder. Eammon was REALLY into helping his big sister and finds this super interesting. :)
**Mommy note**
I have a bit of a problem with Irelynn learning the recorder. My dad teaches guitar and piano. He has been a musician for a LONG time. He isn't just good, but amazing! So why did I buy this and choose this?
1. Irelynn had a recorder given to her and showed an interest.
2. I spent less than $10 for a new recorder and book. It wasn't an investment.
3. I've been lazy and haven't gotten around to thinking about other lessons much. :/

We have been taking a LONG time to do math. We had to switch it up. We moved to Math Mammoth. Irelynn has been enjoying that a lot more than Abeka. We also use online games,, and flashcards.


We are still reading Ben and Me.
-Unrelated to Bigger-
-Unrelated to Bigger-
Health - we learned safety and rules for being on a playground.
PA History - We read about our state being our nation's keystone. We also looked for hidden symbols of PA in a picture. We found them all!
The Liberty Bell
The Betsy Ross Flag
An Amish Straw Hat
The State Dog (A Great Dane)
The State Animal (A Deer)
A Quill Pen
The State Tree (A Hemlock Pine Tree)
A Three Corner Hat
We the People (First Words of the Constitution)
A Pretzel
Benjamin Franklin
The State Flower (A Mountain Laurel)
PA History - We read about our state being our nation's keystone. We also looked for hidden symbols of PA in a picture. We found them all!
The Liberty Bell
The Betsy Ross Flag
An Amish Straw Hat
The State Dog (A Great Dane)
The State Animal (A Deer)
A Quill Pen
The State Tree (A Hemlock Pine Tree)
A Three Corner Hat
We the People (First Words of the Constitution)
A Pretzel
Benjamin Franklin
The State Flower (A Mountain Laurel)
This week we also organized our learning space. It took 11 hours! What a job!

Thanks for tagging along with us! We hope you have a great week!
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