Second Grade Segments
Heart of Dakota -Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory- Unit 33
Awana is over for the year. :(
Bible verse:
Proverbs 17:22
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
T and B both did really well with this verse!
Bible Study:
Philippians 2:3-15
Paul tells us that we shouldn't be selfish. He tells us we need to esteem others better than ourselves. We should look to Jesus as our example of how to act. We should do all things without complaining or arguing so we may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation. We should shine our lights in the world!
We read about pioneers from Norway that settled on the plains. We learned about the sod houses they lived in, what life was like on the plains and how different it was from the life in Norway.
We found Europe on the globe, and Norway. We traced the route settlers would have taken to get from Norway to the Great Plains. I was happy that T remembered the plains were flat lands before the mountains and easily found them on the globe. :)
We also added to our timeline:
We learned to add and subtract in the 10,000's place, to divide rectangles and squares in half, and reviewed the minuend, subtrahend and difference in subtraction. We also had lots of review.
Artistic Expression:
We made snowflakes this week to represent Winter in a sod house.
More Art from the week, unrelated to HOD.
Number words
T read 5 more chapters of this book.
We are still reading Follow My Leader because Mommy is slow.
God made the soil! God made the plants!
We learned a lot about different types of soil.
We also learned the parts of a seed. We let some seeds soak for a couple of days and dissected them into their three parts: seed case, new plant, food sack
Bug also enjoyed this!
We also planted a few beans in a cup on Friday, but it will take a few days to see any action. :) Update: I and E both had a cup with beans in them. Mommy let them where the Scrump could reach, so we lost our beans. :(
We use our exercise cards, but T also has soccer practice twice a week and a game every Saturday.
One unit to go! We are super excited!! We hope you had a great week! Thanks for tagging along with us!
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